02-25269403 / 01020018772
sun.-thrus. 10am-5pm
online support
--El-Maadi, Cairo
104 el-maadi street
Industry: Food & Beverage.
Product: Pure Honey.
Services provided: 1- Social Media Management (Planning, designing, moderating, creating content, managing ads and reporting). 2- Photosession.
Bio-Persona: married Men & Women+25
Interests: Food, health
Contacts: e-commerce & Facebook ,Hotline ,Physical Store.
Increase brand awareness.
Audience targeting based on interests
Increase sales
Konoz is local branding industry specialized in 3 different kinds of pure honey. They started with online shopping page in 2015, their goal was raising up their brand name and focusing on quality and best prices of pure honey.
The problem was presence of many competitors on digital platform, customer loyalty and quality issues.
They launched Facebook page and started to promote their products without classifying or choosing specific target to each campaign and product (men or woman), poor content and un-clear photos, that’s caused decreasing of number of reach, engagement and impression.
Macaw media started to apply the main principles in digital marketing to improve brand strategy.
1. Set objectives (short and long term).
2. Put plan (timeline, ideas campaign, content).
3. Make an accurate analysis ( choose keywords, target, campaign ).
4. Set specific target.
5. Classify / categorize products.
6. Focusing on USP’s.
7. Choose an appropriate tactics & techniques.
Actually we succeed to exceed the target by raising clients interests
Focusing on offers, engagement, showing quality/ pure products, clarify each products to their categories ( gender ), example طلقة للرجال , giving general tips & devices, communicate offline to online, mention our contacts, sharing wishing and events/ ceremonies, that’s how we should care about gaining customer’s trust. We are caring to reach all family members.
We double achievement the target and raised number of followers from 10K to 287K.
Monthly interaction is 600K in 350K / year.
Our organic reach lied between 10% to 40%, while max organic reach is 1% to 2%.
Finally, that’s learned us how important to classify products to each category deliver message in right time, clear way depends on creativity, organizing, professionalism and accuracy.
Industry: Medical”Egypt-Dubai”.
Product: Medical Clinics.
MEDICA ZONE CLINIC Where patients are always treated with personal and professional care in a friendly environment. It’s offering highly skilled clinicians, and state-of-the-art treatments and equipment in all of our departments.
Services provided: 1- Social Media Management (Planning, designing, moderating, creating content, managing ads and reporting).
- Increase brand awareness.
- Audience targeting based on interests
- Increase sales
- Age: 21-60
- Geographical: Dubai
- Gender: Male, Female
Marketing Channels:
- Facebook
- Instagram
- YouTube
- Google Ads
- Increase engagement rate from 2% to 24% on Facebook
- Trended Instagram Account in Dubai
- 57,700 Click to make traffic on website
- 1,800,000 Imp on unique google display network in Dubai
- 1M Views /monthly on YouTube Channels ROI 470 %
Industry: Real Estate “Egypt”
Product: Ain Sokhna Compound.
Coronado marina village - ain sokhna is located 108 el zaafarana road - malibu village and blue blue. Before saffron 18 kg.
Services provided: 2- Social Media Management (Planning, designing, moderating, creating content, managing ads and reporting).
- Increase brand awareness.
- Audience targeting based on interests
- Increase sales
- Age: 30+
- Class: B+
- Geographical: Egypt
- Gender: Male, Female
- Target Products: Retail, and Resort
Marketing Channels:
- Facebook
Results in 3 years:
- Achieved our KPIs” more than 60% Q-Leads
- Avg Leads per month: 500
ROI 3 % from every 100 Leads